You Know You're a Mama When... you look forward to your yearly *ahem* doctor's visit because you get to go a.l.o.n.e.
Look! Two weeks in a row! :)
I've always been an avid reader. I was one of those kids who would check out 10 books, and be back a week later for 10 more. One of those kids who probably spent more time at the library than at the pool in the summertime (although if you could see my skin, you'd understand why staying out of the sun in the summertime is a Good Thing for me).
I haven't had many new books to read lately, and I'm starting to itch for some written words... And so, dear internet friends of mine, I would like to ask for your input.
Read any good books lately?
I like all kinds of things, but I'm particularly interested in finding some good books about parenting. I've looked up lots of different books online, but I'd love to know if any of you have specific recommendations. My brain needs to be challenged, folks. It's melting away into mommyhood. So hit me with your best shot - I've got parenting-type books in mind, but I'm dying to hear about ANY of the good books you may have read lately (or are still reading and are thoroughly enjoying).
8 thoughts:
I recommend Raising Godly Tomatoes. I'll post another recommendation as soon as I can remember the title. ;)
I'm not a big non-fiction book reader. I always try but never finish them.
But I love fiction! I typically read only Christian authors and have been known to branch out sometimes.
One of my all time favorite books is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer's. It's a vampire story. It's really clean though. And, there's a movie coming out in December that I would love to go see. But, I need a buddy to go with me. Maybe you?
Also, I read The Shack last month and really really liked it.
I read Pillars of the Earth and its "sequel", World Without End, both by Ken Follett. So good. About the building of cathedrals in England during the Middle Ages.
They aren't about parenting, though!
Pillars was so fabulous that I could not do anything except read that book. Laundry didn't get folded, dinner wasn't quite as well planned. I even would read a page or 2 while I dried my hair! I could not put it down.
Parenting books I'm reading: Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, and To Train Up a Child by Mike and Debi Pearl (again).
Fiction: Read the Beverly Lewis books... they're the absolute best for fun reading. :)
Totally agree with Ashleigh... love the Lewis books. Every time I'm done reading one of her stories I de-clutter my house like crazy!
How's this for being completely unhelpful:
I don't have any recommendations for you, since I don't read fiction and I've spent the last two years reading business books for grad school. But I do have two recommendations for your husband:
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker - and - She Calls Me Daddy by (Somebody) Wolgemuth.
Good books for guys with little girls.
I also recommend any of Kevin Leman's books (although we haven't read any of his parenting books yet!). His Birth Order book is great, as are all of the marriage books of his that we've read. Shepherding a Child's Heart was highly recommended, but I haven't read it yet.
I think Ashleigh and I have the same books on our bookshelves... :)
Well, since you asked, what can I say?
I'd have to recommend "Confessions of an Irritable Mother," of course! It is NOT a parenting book, rather a story about - and hope for - becoming a holy woman. I used to think my children were KEEPING me from becoming the woman God wants me to be. Now I understand He's using them for that exact purpose!
OK, book plug over. But you did ask. *grin*
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