Wednesday, August 29, 2007

family ties

This picture was taken almost three years ago - Christmas 2004, I think. But aside from some shorter hair on my sister and I - we pretty much look the same.
These are my siblings. Both my big brother and little sister had birthdays this month - the 18th and 20th, to be exact. I just wanted to take a minute or two to tell you (who will, in all likelihood, never meet these people if you haven't already) why they're so cool.
My big brother has thankfully outgrown all of his treacherous-teenage-big-brother ways. He does great voices, accents and impressions (usually quoting some sort of Simpsons or Monty Python type of reference). He teaches middle school art classes and is working on a Master's Degree in K-12 administration. His hobbies of painting and cooking/grilling result in much pleasure for me - lots of good food to eat, and fun original artwork in my house. It's fun to like your big brother so much as an adult.
My little sister makes me laugh pretty much every time I talk to her. She has a great, quirky sense of humor, and is also incredibly talented at funny voices. She loves to read, and majored in English and Psychology in college - so she likes to use fun, big words in everyday situations. And while I'm not quite the English-nerd that she is (her words, don't worry) - I do appreciate fun vocab words. I like to call her after work and hear how her day is going. She's one of the people about whom I can say "I *know* she loves me." And I know she loves me a lot. It's actually really humbling. But I love her back fiercely, and wish she would move to MI so we could watch silly TV and eat junky food together. But wherever she is - I still think she's one of the coolest people I've ever met.
So there they are - happy birthday to two incredibly unique and precious people to me. MANY happy returns! :)

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