Friday, September 21, 2007

wiggles, hair & travel

1. Baby B is getting wigglier by the day - still settles down as soon as I try for Mark to be able to feel it (li'l stinker), but it's really fun. "They" say that the baby is about 10 inches long right now, and is closing in on one pound. It seems so tiny and SO BIG at the same time.
2. I had a hair appointment yesterday - just a trim, since I want it to get a little longer. But I DID go for bangs. I've had them before (recently) and I tend to keep 'em for awhile, then grow them out again. For now, I like them. They help frame my face better. (And as it's getting bigger as pregnancy progresses - that's a good thing).
3. I'm traveling to IL to visit with the fam this weekend, and coming back Monday morning (took a vacation day to help with the solo traveling exhaustion). Mark will be gone until Late Thursday Night (in Washington DC for work), so I thought a little traveling would help keep me busy. It's been about a month since I've been home - it will be good to see them.
4. Enjoy your weekend!!

2 thoughts:

Ashleigh Baker said...

Just wait till you can actually SEE that babe moving... it is the strangest thing! :) But our Baby B is still shy when it comes to daddy or anyone else feeling him move, or even when he gets the hiccups... he pulls away when anyone else besides me touches my stomach. Quite unlike his big brother--I wonder if that means something? :)

Did you have "framing" bangs in your profile picture? I love your hair there...

Katie said...

I do have bangs in the profile picture - grown out more than the ones I have now... and the hair is shorter then too. I love that length, but as I'm a compulsive ponytailer - it's hard to have (even cute) hair that's not quite long enough to pull back. That picture is about 18 months old, but is one of my all-time favorite pictures.