Friday, February 25, 2005

the fundamental things apply...

I'm Feeling: cold
Background Noise: Building a Mystery by Sarah McLachlan

Can you believe it's almost March? Weird - I used to think adults were crazy when I was little, always talking about how fast time went by. It used to seem like decades between Christmas and summer vacation (really less than 6 months). Now, I'm starting to see what they were talking about. Not a bad thing - but it does make it harder to appreciate things as they are happening. We get so wrapped up in deadlines and our busy schedules, that we don't stop and notice little, joy-filled things that are blossoming around us. Yesterday I got to visit our friends in the hospital - they just had a baby girl. I was only there for a half hour or so, but it was so refreshing to be able to take the time out of my day to appreciate a brand new person in our world. She was lovely - tiny and pink, and I'm so glad I was able to stop by and see them.
Maybe I need to take a little more time to appreciate those small things - like the fact that it is STILL definitely winter here in East Lansing... my gut reaction is to whine that it's snowing again. But perhaps I could sit back and enjoy the fact that time is not racing away unnoticed. I'll be ready for spring when it comes, but today, I'm happy to be where I am.

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