Wednesday, April 25, 2007

waking up

In my own humble opinion, the absolute best way to wake up is with sunlight pouring in my window and playing across my face, birds singing outside (not squawking), and the warm body of my husband just a few inches away (or feet - not exactly a snuggler, that one). No alarms - just the delicious feeling of a good night's sleep.

I did not wake up that way this morning.

It was dark, for one thing. To be fair, it's virtually impossible for me to wake up to sunshine, unless it's a weekend in summertime. My alarm goes off at 5:20 most mornings. Instead of hearing birds, I heard rain. Now, I like rainy days and thunderstorms... mostly because it means it's warm enough to rain instead of snow. But the past few days have absolutely spoiled me - I just want sunshine, clear blue skies and lovely spring breezes to continue forever. Hubs was in bed next to me... but we were both making our typical grumbly-early-morning noises. Definitely not enjoying the pure sweetness of waking up next to the love of your life.

However... it struck me this morning (as I dragged my sleepy self around the house) that this is the way God works. This morning, He decided to wake me up and grace me with another day to live and love. He may choose to wake me up with annoying radio banter, or with sunshine and birds, or creepy nightmares, or thunder and rain. While I may have a preference, the end result cannot be ignored - and that is the gift of a life I did not earn, blessings I do not deserve, and second (third, fourth, seventy-fifth) chances. I know this sounds a little like "the end justifies the means" - which is something I don't normally buy into. But maybe with God - it's true.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

At any rate, I am grateful for a new day, and for a God whose grace extends beyond anything I can deserve or even imagine deserving. Thanks, Lord, for waking me up today.

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