Friday, March 25, 2005

Have a Coke

I'm Feeling: pretty stinking good, although I think my brain is slowly deteriorating...
Background Noise: Sweet Baby James by James Taylor

I'm not drinking carbonated beverages anymore - I gave them up for the year. No fantastically compelling reason, really, except: they rot your teeth, caffeine is addictive, and I'm "stayin' alive in 2005." Mostly, I feel really good - drinking mainly water has actually cut down my sweet tooth in general - since I'm not having 1 or 2 soft drinks a day, my mouth/body's sugar tolerance level has dropped dramatically.

Most of the time, it's not too hard at all to abstain... however, I do have moments where it seriously seems like the best thing in the world would be a cherry Coke - made with grenadine, of course, with a maraschino cherry in it. Delicious!!! I digress... this morning, I found this website, which made me laugh - because people make fun of each other sooo much for this... ever been down south and heard someone ask, "May I have a Coke?" The reply is, "What kind?" "Sprite, please." WEIRD.

ps. My sister has a poster that looks just like the picture I posted. She usually sticks it on her fridge. Funny - and very hospitable!

Thought for the day: The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds. Makes me want to laugh, but then I think, "I can't do that."

1 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

you're giving up COKE/POP/SODA?? OMG, you're a FORTRESS of WILLPOWER.

And hahahaha, I love that little Have a Coke guy. He's so fiendishly happy about granting you permission to get some Coke.

AND and, The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds. Makes me want to laugh, but then I think, "I can't do that." Muahahahaha... you're so funny. :)