Monday, April 04, 2005

conjunction junction...

I'm Feeling: a little on the worn-out side
Background Noise: Hakuna Matata from the Lion King soundtrack

Remember when you were a kid, and you had all those great encyclopedia-like books with answers to every question (and lots of pretty pictures?) I'm wondering why those are in the kids' section of the bookstores - most adults I know (myself included, to be sure) have forgotten a lot of what we learned in elementary school. I bet a 4th-grader could kick my butt on a science test. Since I left high school, I spent six years filling my head with "higher learning" - stuff about business, advertising, and higher education. Not that the stuff I've learned in college and grad school wasn't important; I just feel like actual knowledge about the world has fallen out of my head. My exhausted, fuzzy state of mind is probably not helping either.

Life is busy right now - lots going on at work, lots going on for Mark at work, and lots going on outside of work. Busy is good - I prefer busy - but I wouldn't turn up my nose at a night of laying around my house with a good book and going to bed early. (Why is it that sleeping in is so much preferable to going to bed early? If it's the same amount of sleep, what difference does it really make?)

Thought for the day: Are you attracted (not necessarily in the romantic sense) to people whose personalities are very different from yours, or very similar?

1 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Good question!!! Both... I attract people who like to talk a lot (unlike me) but I am attracted to people who are active.