Friday, December 09, 2005


I'm Feeling: a wee bit hungry (I forgot to bring breakfast to work this morning... sad!)
Background Noise: Ring of Fire by Joaquin Phoenix (from Walk the Line)

Yesterday, Mark and I spent part of our Christmas money on quite possibly the least needed, most frivolous, trendy little technological trinket out there right now... the iPod. One for each of us, as if we actually need some impossibly small gadget that can hold 7500 songs to carry around with us in our pockets. But I'm excited, because it means we can take ALL of our favorite music with us to North Carolina in 9 days, in a very small package. And since we are DRIVING there (about 11 hours, I'm told) - that will be a very helpful addition to our journey. Nearly as helpful as the seat-warmers in Mark's Yukon. You might not be able to get me out of the car...

Yeah, that's right! On Sunday the 18th, Mark and I are jumping in the car and driving to Glen Alpine, North Carolina to stay at the Inn at Glen Alpine (not nearly as misleading as it sounds...), which is a lovely bed and breakfast in a little town near the mountains. We're gonna relax, hike, eat ice cream, and sleep in - and then head back to Michigan for the holidays. I'm really excited - I like that we are able to take trips like this, and I really enjoy going someplace a little warmer before Christmas (we've been to Florida and Myrtle Beach in December before - always fun!)

Last night, the skies opened up and dumped something like 7 inches of snow on us - but luckily, the roads were clear by the time I was heading into work, and I didn't manufacture any gray hairs because of the stress of driving in the snow (one of the things I detest most in this world). So for 2 days in a row now, my drive to work has been beautiful - frosted trees whose limbs and branches look a delicate, yet ferocious stretch of frigid lace... and the sun was even out this morning, which makes little tiny diamonds dance across the fields! Sooo pretty - as long as the snow stays off the road, I'm happy.

It's Friday! Enjoy your weekend - notice the time you have with people you love, and the everyday blessings we take for granted. If you raise your voice, may be only in praise, and if you make a demand, may it be only of yourself!

And to quote one of my favorite philosophers, "take note of the moment, for this is your life."

3 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

well today is a SNOWDAY!!! YAY!! and i was reading and saw u had no comments! so i dicied to give you one! i always feel mad when ppl have no comments!! yep! so i am going to kailees today! YAY! ok well i have to go! have a wonderful day!
<33 Al

Anonymous said...

ipods are awesome! I can't go anywhere with out mine... though mine has been filled for a long time (I have a ton of music)

One other little gadget that might make the trip a little easier, the itrip, I am not using mine right now and its lets your ipod to play through the car sterio, if you want it you can borrow it for your trip!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have one for our home! Now that we've got the kids, it would be nice to downsize our CD collection and put them onto a pocket sized thing. They would stay in order for sure!