Monday, April 03, 2006

this is my life... ?

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

I'm Feeling: a little judged
Background Noise: The Engine Driver by The Decembrists

So I got this Rate Your Life link off of Mark's blog... apparently my life is not quite as good as his. I mean, I already knew I didn't have the body, but sheesh. Cut me some lack... I mean, just look at my competition. ;)

Had a great weekend - Friday, after a fantastic YL Leadership meeting, Mark and I went to see The 5 Browns at the Wharton Center - really incredible and fun (oh, and I had an ice cream cone), went to a birthday party on Saturday and played Settlers all afternoon (if you've never heard of it, you need to - Mark and I will be happy to teach you!). Sunday was church (Steve taught), discipleship class (James taught), lunch with JR and Tricia, and then it was off to Martha's house (Mark's older sister) to celebrate the March birthdays. I also got to round up the weekend with a few rousing rounds of Connect Four with Lukey... he plays a mean Milton Bradley, let me tell you.

It has to be said - God is SO faithful! I've been staggered at the way He answers prayer - I got this amazing answer this weekend, and I'm just in awe. It's like when you were a kid, and you'd ask (and ask and ask and ask) your parents for something, but they wouldn't give it to you until you asked the right way, or for the right reason, or with the right attitude. Now, I'm NOT saying that I think there is a right "way" or a wrong "way" to pray - it just seems to me that I finally asked God for something, and my heart was in the right place, and my desire was motivated in the way He wanted it to be, and He was more than happy to bestow it upon me. It's cool. Beyond cool. And a really humbling lesson too - sometimes I'm just asking for things selfishly, or because I want the easy way out, or I want God to change someone else... not me.

I'd be happy to give more details if you want to ask me about it. I'm excited to see how He keeps moving through this!!

2 thoughts:

Julie said...

Even with me cheating I scored pretty low. On the questions about career I said that I worked (hey, I put in more hours being a mom than I ever did outside the home).

I like that my spirit and love rated very high. Those are important things to me.

Anonymous said...

D: It makes me sad that your friends/family rating is the lowest of the lot. WHAT SHOULD I DO TO HELP BOOST IT UP??

However, I always love to read that you're happy and that God's working wonders in your life. :) Love ya, Kate.